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Creative Kids  Inc.
Photography by Creative Kids Inc.
504 San Francisco St.
El Paso, TX 79901
(915) 533-9575

Creative Kids Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational community-based art agency located in El Paso, Texas along the U.S./Mexico border region. The mission of Creative Kids is to extend the reach of arts and digital media resources to various student population groups through the promotion and demonstration of the power of the arts as important communication tools for success in modern day life. Creative Kids is currently celebrating thirteen years of empowering the youth in our community through the arts. Through a varied array of “hands-on” working assignments through the arts, Creative Kids is able to reach over 600 youth throughout the year through various programs housed under Creative Kids. This includes: disadvantaged youth through Project ABLE (Art Brokers Learning Experiences); children battling cancer through Project AIM (Arts in Motion); and children with disabilities through Project MAP (Making the Arts Possible). Creative Kids also offers program to the general public who may not fall under the programs listed above through both Project SAC (Saturday Arts Classes) and Little Picassos.