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Film Incentives & Permits

Film Incentives & Permits

Film Incentives

The Texas Moving Image Industry Incentive Program offers qualifying feature films, television programs, commercials, and video games, and the opportunity to receive payment of 5-20% of eligible Texas spending upon completion of a review of their Texas expenditures. Both live-action, and animated projects are eligible. This incentive program is in addition to the Texas sales tax exemptions. Visit the Texas Film Commission to learn more.

Film Permits

A Film Permit is required to film on or in city property along with a Certificate of Insurance naming the City of El Paso as additionally insured. Street closures and/or ITC requests must include a traffic plan that is attached to the permit. Closures or any interruptions to the normal flow of traffic in residential areas must have “Good Neighbor” notifications, with signatures showing a 75% approval of the filming, also attached to your permit, when turned in to the Film Commission. No permit is required for filming on private property. The permit process takes 3-5 working days to complete, so please submit your permit application a minimum of 5 working days prior to your first requested day to film. The cost is $40.00 for up to 5 city locations. Please contact us to apply for a film permit.

If your shoot requires traffic or pedestrian control, or the blocking of a lane or street, you will need to hire El Paso police officers, in addition to obtaining a permit. Please contact our office for information on hiring police officers for your project as we need to go through the assigned film coordinator at EPPD. As each project varies, please contact our office so that we may better assist you with your production requirements.

Filming Permit Application
Please contact us at 915-534-0698 or for the current film permit application.

Production Insurance Requirements
The applicant shall procure and keep in full force and effect for the duration of filming, a minimum insurance written by an insurance company approved by the State of Texas and acceptable to the city and issued in the standard form approved by the Texas Dept. of Insurance. All provisions of each policy must be acceptable to the city and name the city and its officers and employees as additionally insured.

Standard insurance requirements apply.

  1. Commercial General Liability Insurance including, but not limited to, Premises/Operations, Independent Contractors & Contractual Liability with minimum combined bodily injury( including death) coverage of $250,000 per person & $1,000,000 in the aggregate & property damage limits of $1,000,000 per occurrence & $1,000,000 in the aggregate. If filming in a “city facility or premises”, then, minimum limits of $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 in the aggregate is required. If filming involves use of pyrotechnics, explosives or fireworks, then $3,000,000 per occurrence and $3,000,000 in the aggregate is required. If alcoholic beverages are sold, served, or otherwise made available, then Liquor Liability insurance with minimum limits of $1,000,000 for each claim & in the aggregate.
  2. Workers’ Compensation Insurance with statutory limits; Employers Liability with minimum limits for bodily injury: a) by accident, $250,000 each accident, b) by disease, $250,000 each employee with a policy aggregate of $500,000.
  3. Business Automobile Liability Insurance covering owned, hired, and non-owned vehicles, with a minimum combined bodily injury (including death) and property damage limit of $500,000 per occurrence and in the aggregate. NOTE: If filming involves “Stunts or Extended Car Chases”, then the minimum limit of coverage shall be $3,000,000 per occurrence, and in the aggregate.
  4. If the filming involves the use of aircraft, then Aircraft Liability Insurance for owned, hired, and non-owned aircraft with a minimum limit of $5,000,000 per occurrence, and in the aggregate.

The Certificate of Insurance must accompany the permit before the El Paso Film Commission can process.