Book a stay in one of their studios or two-bedroom suites with fully equipped kitchens, cozy fireplaces and a breakfast bar. Ideal for extended stays, this hotel is minutes from the airport, local area wineries, shopping, and downtown El Paso. And their complimentary shuttle service makes getting around easy, taking you anywhere within five miles (including the airport). Unwind by the pool or wake up and start the day with a freshly prepared breakfast buffet, featuring all of your morning favorites, before setting out to see what’s waiting nearby. Centrally located, the hotel puts you close to the local business corridor and fun family attractions, including the El Paso Zoo and Franklin Mountains State Park. Recharge at their charming hotel near ELP airport and soak in the whirlpool spa, exercise in the fitness center, or socialize at evening receptions during the week, featuring complimentary drinks, appetizers, and light bites.