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Event Calendar

Sunset Heights Tour of Homes "Trost Edition"
Sunset Heights Tour of Homes "Trost Edition"
October 5, 2024
12:00 PM - 4:00 PM
1307 N Oregon St. El Paso Tx 79902
Venue: Sunset Parlor
Admission: $10 Adults $5 Kids 10 & under

The Sunset Heights Neighborhood Improvement Association advocates for Sunset Heights. Join us October 5, 12pm-4pm for a Tour around Sunset Heights, Trost Edition!

Tour of Homes, The Trost Edition! Join us to tour Sunset Heights to visit homes designed by Henry C. Trost, and Sunset Parlor!

We’ll visit: -Trost Home -Kohlberg House -Mathias House -Aronstein House -Cohen House -Zach White House -Sunset Parlor

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Contact Name: Sunset Parlor

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Contact Phone Number: (619) 884-7707