On-Farm Water & Habitat Management
@ DAA Farms in San Elizario, TX | Friday Feb 28 | 8am-5pm |
SPI is heading to West Texas, joined by our collaborator Understanding Ag, to explore management tools that help restore soil, water and ecosystem cycles in agricultural settings. This workshop will be held at a third generation commercial-scale alfalfa farm, where we will highlight innovative new irrigation technology and conservation practices for commercial agriculture.
Soil and water conservation practices Building soil carbon and organic matter Improving flood irrigation efficiency NRCS programs for growers
Cost: $20 | Lunch Provided |
For More Info: www.smallproducersinitiative.txst.edu
Detailed directions and an agenda for this workshop will be emailed to those who register 2-3 days prior to the event. If you do not see that email, please be sure to check your spam. For questions, email loren.mullins@txstate.edu.
Dr. Ken Mix is the Program director of The Small Producer Initiative at Texas State University and currently teaches entomology, soil health, and crop production, with active research on small producer needs, soil, and water resources. He is a former vegetable producer and currently runs SKM Homestead, a small livestock and mixed produce 50-acre farm in Fentress, Texas.
Understanding Ag is a regenerative agricultural consulting company that educates and mentors farmers, ranchers, landowners, businesses, and communities in the principles and practices needed to restore, repair, rebuild, regenerate their farming and ranching ecosystems.
Contact Name: Hannah Dees
Contact E-mail Address:
Contact Phone Number: 8308327805